Branding and you
Branding and you
It is said that branding is the single most important building block in the survival of any business, ask Nike, ask Coca Cola. To say that branding is more important than the product or service that a company offers is perhaps, a simplistic over-statement, but there is an undeniable interaction between product, branding and success. Of course, a shop for example, standing alone at a busy junction, offering necessities, or perceived necessities, can be a very successful business without anyone ever knowing its name. The situation changes however, if six shops open beside our lone shop and the people who made the shop successful are given alternative choices.
The reality of business today is, that the successful shop standing alone, will not be alone for very long. It will be joined by “recognisable” competition. No longer can a new, potential customer, be directed to the “shop at the junction”, the shop must be recognisable, its name must be known, it must have an identity, “branded”.
The truth is, every company has a name and therefore a brand. It is up to that company to make sure that the brand gets its message out. The “Pound Shop” is not necessarily known for the quality of its goods, the message is that everything is a pound, the clue is in its name. Harrods name gives no clue whether it is cheap, expensive, or even what it does, its branding message has to be done by association and reputation. A brand gives identity and a message, it confirms credibility in the market place, it creates customer loyalty and it creates association.
Your name and your logo should be displayed at every possible opportunity and every time where your business can glean a positive reflection. Each time your company can be associated with positivity, seize that opportunity, association is king.